This floral island is the favourite meeting point of boaters...
In summer, Ilovik is a destination of numerous visitors. In evening hours, this floral island is the favourite meeting point of boaters. Eucalyptus trees rank among major attractions of the island. Several restaurants offer excellent food - fish and home-made food (fruit, vegetables, meat).
ILOVIK is an island south of Loinj. On the north-eastern side it is protected by a rather long but small island of Sveti Petar (St. Peter). Ilovik is hilly; on its western side Krisine Peak rises (77 m), in the central part is Did (92 m) and on the eastern side Vela Straza (91 m).
In front of the southern coast are shallow spots, the one in front of Ugradica Cape being 1-5 m deep. The only habitation - Ilovik - is situated on the north-eastern part of the coast.
In certain periods, the island was called Sveti Petar or Sveti Petar Ilovik. The archaeological site Sicadrija contains ruins of the early mediaeval church of St. Andrew.
On the neighbouring island of Sveti Petar, opposite of the village, is a 1-km long Roman archaeological zone (foundations of various structures, remains of mosaics, graves). In the 11th century, a Benedictine monastery was built on the island, which bore the name Sancti Petri de Nemois or de Neumis (collapsed). In 1597, Venice built a quadrangular tower on Sveti Petar for the defence against the "Uskoks" (now in ruins).
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