About the town

The town of Ploce, also known as a port, is situated along the coast, but also partly on the river Neretva and the lakes, which makes its position quite a unique one...

PLOCE, a town and port on the coast of the Neretva Channel, 5 km north of the Neretva Delta. Economy is based on farming, fishing in the Neretva Delta; production of asbestos-textile goods, production of fancy goods and synthetic packaging; terminals for liquids and wood. Ferry lines connect Ploe with Trpanj on the Peljesac Peninsula.

The town of Ploce, also known as a port, is situated along the coast, but also partly on the river and the lakes, which makes its position quite a unique one. The nearby mouth of the Neretva and the freshwater Bacina Lakes are a challenge to sports fishing enthusiasts. The Neretva valley provides also hunting opportunities. Gastronomic specialities include Neretva-style fish stew ("brudet") and grilled eels.



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