Necujam is the centre of tourism on Solta. Quality accommodation facilities and numerous coves with crystal-clear seawater (Piskera, Maslinica, Podkamenica, Tiha) will delight each visitor, excursionist and boater...
NECUJAM, a tourist resort and excursion destination in the cove of the same name on the northern coast of the island of Solta. The cove is 1.8 km long, up to 1.2 km wide and up to 40 m deep. There are many visitor facilities on the coast: a tourist village, rest homes and numerous weekend houses with small beaches. The cove is exposed to north winds; smaller yachts may dock along the pier in the cove of Supetra; larger yachts dock in the middle of the cove.
Today, Necujam is the centre of tourism on Solta. Quality accommodation facilities (apartments, rest homes) and numerous coves with crystal-clear seawater (Piskera, Maslinica, Podkamenica, Tiha) will delight each visitor, excursionist and boater. The charm and quality of the marine surroundings of Solta were known already to the ancient Roman emperor Diocletian, who had his fishponds in Necujam. The first visitors who experienced the beauties of Necujam and could not resist its charms were Marko Marulic (1450-1524), father of the Croatian literature, and Petar Hektorovic (1487-1572), a poet and writer.
Various entertainment programs are organized during the tourist season, the most important being the traditional fishermen's fiesta. Sports and recreation enthusiasts are offered tennis courts and miniature golf. Neujam offers excellent fishing and water sports opportunities.
In the back part of the cove, on it eastern side, are the remains from ancient times; close to them are the ruins of a small Gothic church (15th c.). Next to the church is a simple stone house, which once belonged to Dujam Balistrilic, a friend of the poet Marko Marulic, who also used to reside in it; the house features a memorial collection of Marko Marulic; in front of the house is a memorial pillar dedicated to the poet Petar Hektorovic.
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