Language, currency, time zone, important telephone numbers, working hours, radio news in foreign languages during the tourist season...
President: Mrs.Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic
Prime Minister: Mr.Andrej Plenkovic
Capital: Zagreb
Name: Hrvatska (Croatia)
Area: 56,538 sq km
Islands: 1185
Coastline: 5,835 km (mainland 1,777 km, islands 4,058 km)
Counties: 21
Language: Croatian
Majority Religion: Catholic
Population: 4,493,312
Kuna (1 Kuna = 100 Lipa). There are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 Lipa coins, 1, 2, 5 and 25 Kuna coins and 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 Kuna banknotes.
Foreign currencies:
can be exchanged in banks, exchange offices, post offices, travel agencies, hotels, camps, marinas; cheques can be cashed in banks.
Power supply: 220 V, 50 Hz
Our UK guests should note that power outlets in Croatia are the Continental two-pin type and that a socket adapter is therefore required.
Water: Tap water is potable in all parts of Croatia.
The telephone code for Croatia is +385.
Time zone:
GMT plus one hour in winter and GMT plus two in summer.
Public holidays:
1 January - New Year’s Day; 6 January – Epiphany; Easter Sunday & Easter Monday; 1 May - Labour Day; Corpus Christi; 22 June - Anti-Fascist Resistance Day; 25 June - Statehood Day; 5 August - Victory Day and National Thanksgiving Day; 15 August - Assumption Day; 8 October - Independence Day; 1 November - All Saints’ Day; 25-26 December - Christmas Holidays
Working hours:
Most shops are open from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. on weekdays and until 2 or 3 p.m. on Saturdays. Some shops work a split-shift system: from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., and again from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Many shops stay open until 10 p.m., even on Sundays, especially in summer, while certain shops in the larger cities are open for business 24 hours a day.Public services and business offices work from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., Mondays to Fridays.
Post and Telecommunications:
Post offices are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays, in smaller centres from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m.; some offices work a split shift. In most towns and tourist centres, on-duty post offices are open on Saturdays and Sundays until 9 p.m. Postage stamps may also be purchased from newspaper and tobacco kiosks Phone cards are used in all public telephones and may be purchased from post offices and from newspaper and tobacco kiosks. International calls may be made directly from public telephones.
Environmental protection:
Protection of biodiversity complies with valid E.U. regulations. As regards bathing, the sea at the Croatian Adriatic is of high quality, again according to E.U. criteria. In the event of extraordinary environmental pollution on land, please advise Centre 112.
Call 112 in the following cases:
- if you need urgent or vital medical assistance;
- for assistance of fire fighting services;
- for assistance of mountain rescue services;
- for urgent or vital veterinary assistance;
If you notice:
- fire
- leakage of hazardous material, pollution of drinking water, springs, streams, rivers or sea
Search and rescue
In the event of accident on land or at sea, call 112 (number for all emergency situations), and in the event of accident at sea call 112 or 9155 (National Centre for search and rescue at sea).
Important telephone numbers:
International country code for Croatia: +385
Police: 92
Fire Brigade: 93
Ambulance: 94
Roadside vehicle assistance: 987
(when calling from abroad or by mobile phone, call +385 1 987)
National Search and Rescue Centre: 9155.
A single countrywide number for all emergency situations: 112
General information: 981
Information local and intercity numbers: 988
Information international numbers: 902
Weather forecast and road conditions: 060 520 520
Croatian Automobile Club (HAK): +385 1 46 40 800,
Radio news in foreign languages during the tourist season
Croatian Radio broadcasts on several frequencies programmes in foreign languages designed for tourists in Croatia. A daily programme is broadcast at 20.05h on channel one, in English in a duration of up to 10 min. On channel two of Croatian Radio, along with regular news, HAK provides reports on road conditions in English, German and Italian and, several times each day, information for sailors.
In the summer season, on channel two of Croatian Radio (98.5 Mhz), in addition to the regular news in the Croatian language there will also be a broadcast on road conditions in the English, German and Italian languages by HAK (from 18 June to 9 September 2007).
During the same period there will also be broadcasts every hour on the hour; news and reports on the condition of the roads are broadcast directly from the studios of: the Third Programme of Austrian Radio, RAI Uno, British Virgin Radio, Radio Prague and the International programme of Croatian Radio – Voice of Croatia.
Once each day during the summer Radio Prague reporters inform their colleagues via regional radio stations: Radio Split, Radio Dubrovnik and Radio Rijeka.
Pets which are being imported, or which are travelling through for non-commercial purposes, in the company of their owner (up to 5 animals: dogs, cats, African polecat, all types of birds, rodents and domesticated rabbits, invertebrates. (with exception of bees and crabs), ornamental tropical fish, amphibians and others will be allowed to enter Republic of Croatia only if the following conditions are fulfilled:
- they have a valid international passport or health certificate (veterinary certificate) in which a licensed veterinary surgeon in the exporter’s country certifies that the animal (s) in question are healthy and show no symptoms of infectious diseases which must be reported, and that they do not come from an area in which infectious diseases are present and which that particular type of animal can transfer.
Dogs, cats and animals of the marten family must be:
- marked with a clearly legible tattoo or fitted with a microchip;
- have a passport issued by a licensed veterinary surgeon proving they have been vaccinated or re-vaccinated against rabies. For additional information please contact the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management – Veterinary administration (Tel. +385 1 610 6703 and + 385 1 610 6669;
Health services
There are hospitals and clinics located in all the larger towns and cities, while smaller centres have dispensaries and chemist’s.
Foreign visitors are not obliged to pay for medical services if a convention on Social Security has been signed between Croatia and visitors’ country of origin, i.e. if they have in their possession a certificate stipulated by such a convention confirming their right to health care. Health care (including transport) is used for emergency cases in the manner and according to regulations valid for Croatian citizens covered by Social Security, with the costs of health care being participated in, in the same way (participation and administrative duty). Persons coming from countries with which no such convention has been signed bear the costs of health services rendered personally.
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